
Design Systems and Models: Cybernetics with Hugh Dubberly

Posted on by Keta Patel

An Introduction to Systems and Cybernetics in a week long workshop

During the twentieth century, design focused largely on the form of objects. In the twenty-first century, design is focusing largely on the behavior of systems. Other disciplines have developed a body of knowledge about systems. Yet most designers are unfamiliar with this work.

Learning Objectives

Tools For Understanding Context and Taming Complexity:
A Whole Systems Approach to Design

Summarize major systems theories and show how they are relevant to emerging design practice. Introduce language, models, and principles from a range of perspectives:

  • Formal Systems: information structures and network topologies

  • Dynamic Systems: stocks + flows, resource cycles, lags + oscillations, explosion + collapse, dynamic equilibrium + homeostasis

  • Control Systems: feedback + stability, goal-action-measure loops, requisite variety

  • Living Systems: self-organizing, dissipative systems, autopoiesis, positive deviants, co-evolution +drift, bio-cost

  • Conversation Systems: observing-understanding-agreeing, learning-coordinating-collaborating, goal- task ladders, bootstrapping, ethics+responsibility 

All photos by Paul Sheetz

All photos by Paul Sheetz

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Sketching with Hardware workshop

Posted on by Keta Patel

IIT Institute of Design invited Dave Vondle and Nick Inzucchi from IDEO to lead a 1 day workshop on “Sketching with Hardware” – learning how to build quick sketch prototypes using the Arduino platform. 

“Hardware Sketches” 
Sketching is a tool for conveying and capturing the right level of information as quickly as possible. When designing for interactive systems there is often value in taking sketches off the notepad into the real world. In this workshop we tried to use the Arduino platform and basic coding to create quick hardware “sketches”.

Team: Keta (the designer), Ishan (the developer) and Alison (the guru)
We created a basic hurdle game which combined both the physical and digital world. We used the flex sensor and the tilt sensor to create the duck and jump states of the hurdle game.

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A Beginner’s Guide to Irrational Behavior

Posted on by Keta Patel

Brace yourself to learn about the multifaceted quirks of human behavior, from the psychology of money to the effects of labor on love. Professor of Psychology and Behavioral Economics at Duke, Dan Ariely is no ordinary man. “A Beginner’s Guide to Irrational Behavior,” Dan provides an introduction to behavioral economics that makes you scratch your head and wonder why we act in the curious ways we do. How stable and consistent are our preferences? How do we think about money? How do we justify unethical behavior? What motivates us to work? How can we exhibit self-control in our lives? And what effect can emotion have on our behavior? 

And it begins! I have signed up already, have you?